Millions of museum visitors have watched an Airworthy Production!
museum videos
Millions of visitors to museums from Duluth to Detroit have experienced just how ‘historic’ Airworthy Productions can be. From chronicling eyewitness accounts of the Detroit Riots to captivating survivor interviews from infamous shipwrecks, Airworthy is a leader in creating cost-effective videos that have been playing in museum theaters for decades. Dive to century old shipwrecks in the Straits of Mackinac; hear personal accounts of the 1940 Storm from survivors at Ludington’s Maritime Museum; witness the ship-building prowess of Bay County; or experience what it’s like to dive the Edmund Fitzgerald at the National Museum for the Great Lakes. Airworthy puts you there! And if you need more convincing on our commitment to local history, note that Airworthy founder Ric Mixter has been awarded by the Association for Great Lakes Maritime History for over 20 years of preserving history for the general public. Add in that he’s the former president of the Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association AND a board member of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society and you’ll know why Airworthy is your choice to tell local history stories at your museum or library.